1. I have been for over five years in teh employ of an exporting company.
2. I have been in the business for the last ten years, and worked as the superintendent in the personnel department.
3. i have had five years experience with a company as a salesman.
4. For the past three years, I have been in the office of the Brothers Trading Co., where I have been ad still am an accountant.
5. I am twenty years of age, and have been employed for the last two years by the Green Trees Co., in teh general clerical work of the office.
6. I am 25 years of age, and have had two years experience in my present post, which I am leaving to better myself.
7. I am nineteen years of age, female and have had two years experience in a companys delivery office.
8. I am just leaving school, and am eighteen years of age.
9. I am twenty years of age, and am anxious to settle down to office work.
10. Since my graduation from the school two years ago, I ahve been employed in teh Green Hotel as a cashier.
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